Here I am in Yorktown, VA! After a long night of travel, I made it. Thanks to Tobias’ suggestion of ZzzQuil, I slept like a baby (for four hours).
Now I’m at the hotel thinking back on an exciting day. I ubered to the Duke of York Hotel where my bike was waiting, all boxed up for me. My team was having an orientation, and I arrived just in time to introduce myself and get started with our three stations: trailer, twitter and maps. These maps are legit. And complicated. Pretty sure I’ll get lost at some point but that’s part of the fun.
Afterwards, Mike helped me put my bike together and get everything setup right. Turns out another guy on this ride has the exact same bike as mine! Awesome!
We went through some rules, talked about safety and bike maintenance and then they cut us loose.
A quick trip to the store to pick up some things and dinner with new friends at a local restaurant.
Now, it’s time for bed so I can get up early and have a good start to my “easy” 60 mile day tomorrow. Word on the street is that a church is hosting us and providing dinner! Sweet!