DOR 10

DOR 10


Leaving this beautiful church and heading to Breaks Interstate Park tonight for some camping.

Only 44 miles, so we know something is up.

A huge climb, that’s what’s up.


This guy is the 8th great grandfather of one of our route leaders.   Pretty cool.

I’m writing this a day late so I’m not remembering a lot of the details of the ride…. but


Here I am at the park!  Only another couple of miles to the actual campsite.


This is where I will sleep tonight.   My hammock is for chilling and the tent is for sleeping.  Well, turns out with the handy bug net I’m just gonna sleep in the hammock.


So, I went with Kip to the laundry shack to get some clothes cleaned up and while we were waiting, there were some Kentucky boys riding around on bikes.  Kip was egging them on, getting them to fight each other and do stunts on the  bike….  until he got a flat, so here are our awesome route leaders with tools and patch kit to get him back on the road.

I’m too tired at the end of the day to really do anything, I can hang for a bit but riding, in the heat especially, really takes a toll. 


So, from my hammock…. Good night!
