GYM ROUTINE: Push, Pull, Legs

GYM ROUTINE: Push, Pull, Legs

Warm – Up

I recommend getting about 5 minutes of low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise on a treadmill, exercise bike, rower, jumping jacks, running, etc. before your workout really begins.

Then, once the muscle are properly warmed up and primed for movement, it is important to do a little light dynamic stretching through a full range of motion … with some simple bodyweight exercises to stretch, and get the muscles ready to handle the external forces of the upcoming workout. These could be air squats, lunges, push ups, lateral squats, glutes/hip bridges, etc.

Once the aerobic warm up and dynamic stretching are both done, your body is ready for physical activity …and now it’s time to get into the workouts!


This is a very popular “training split” because it allows you to use complimentary muscles during the same workout, and only requires 3 days per week of training. Then, once you become more advanced, you can repeat each workout once every week with one rest day on the 7th day.

“Push” refers to all the muscles you use to push things; triceps, chest, front and side delt (shoulder)

“Pull” refers to all the muscles you pull with; back, biceps, traps, and rear delt (shoulder)

“Legs” is fairly self-explanatory, but refers to your leg muscles; quads, hamstrings, calves

Example Split
Monday – Push
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – Pull
Thursday – Rest
Friday – Legs
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Rest

Note: When looking at each exercise, there will be a series of numbers and letters displayed after the exercise name. (ex: Cable fly, 3 x 15). This refers to how many sets and reps to perform each movement. In this example, you would perform 3 sets of 15 reps of the cable fly.

So, for the first set, you would cable fly 15 times in a row before resting between sets. In addition to that, you should look to rest between 45-90 seconds between each set.

With this pattern in mind, your first exercise of the workout will proceed like this: 15 reps … pause for 45-90 seconds … 15 reps … pause for 45-90 seconds … 15 reps … switch to the next exercise.

Cable Fly (Warmup) 3 x 15
Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 8-10
Chest Press Machine 3 x 10-12
Flat Dumbbell Fly 3 x 10-12
Push Up 3 x 15
Dumbbell Front Raise 3 x 10-12
EZ Bar Upright Row 3 x 10-12
Cable Tricep Extensions 3 x 10-12
Dumbbell Kickbacks 3 x 10-12

Deadlift 3 x 6-8
Lat Pulldown 3 x 8-10
Seated Cable Row 3 x 8-10
Reverse Fly 3 x 10-12
Dumbbell Bicep Curl 3 x 10-12
Hammer Curls 3 x 10-12
Smith Machine Shrugs 3 x 10-12

Leg Extension (Warm-Up) 3 x 15
Leg Press 3 x 10-12
Alternating Front Lunges 3 x 12 (each leg)
Goblet Squats 3 x 12
Leg Curls 3 x 10
Standing Calf Raise 3 x 12