DOR 4 *62 miles, 5683 ft*

DOR 4 *62 miles, 5683 ft*


Today was the day I’ve been dreading.  The day we ride into the mountains.  So far the toughest day of the trip.  But, now that it’s done I can say that I feel confident about my cycling skills.  We had some craaaaaaaaazy climbs today and the descent was the steepest part of the entire TransAmerica trail, so I feel pretty good.  My body feels healthy and my mind is totally clear. 

The day started early, since we were trying to beat the Virginia afternoon rain storms and from then on it was a race to the finish.  I was told of a great burger place at the finish line so that’s where my head was all day.

First rest stop was the peach orchard where I picked up some local honey and an apple pie.


I learned from Jeff that honey is a really awesome pick me up when riding  because it’s a bunch of pure sugar and helps conquer those hills when you need more energy.   He was right.   He also helped me with my hammock and rain fly the other night since he spent a few months hiking the Appalachian trail and basically living in a hammock.

Rest stop 2 was great cuz our route leaders surprised us with snickers bars.


Then it was on to the climbing.   Not too exciting but man it was fun.  On and off showers and hella humidity, it was crazy!   Took some rest stops to enjoy the view.




We are sleeping at a house that the local church let us stay in.


It’s almost 10pm and everyone is in bed.  That’s how serious everyone takes this.  I’m really fortunate to be out here with this amazing group of riders.  I know on June 14 when it’s time to fly home I’m gonna be really sad…. but I can’t wait to see Toby!


I really appreciate all of the love and support I’ve been receiving.   I sent out a Facebook post asking for texts at one of the difficult climbs late in the day and soooooooo many friends came through.  It really means a lot and I’m glad I could come on this trip.  Now…… bed time!
