Day 2, I made it.  Barely.

Day 2, I made it.  Barely.

Perhaps I over extended myself.  This heat is ridiculous.  I can’t drink enough water and I haven’t felt like eating because of the heat.  Today was the toughest day I’ve ever spent on a bike.  10 hours out in the heat!

Fortunately there is access to fresh water for free in pretty much every town.  I’ve had a fun time playing “where is the water fountain” because there are no signs and it is very discreet.  It’s kinda like a scavenger hunt.  So I never ran out of water, but I just got to the point where I couldn’t drink anymore.  


It’s so bad that I didn’t even get any gelato today.  But I did have coffee and I think that had something to do with the shit storm that was today.  Tonight I’m drinking water and participating in the 5 course dinner at my hotel.  Tomorrow, no coffee, just water and food.

As you can see, I had access to plenty of food today.  But I got to the point that I didn’t want water or food and had to force myself.  

But the views are incredible.

But I’m reminded why I am doing this.  There is no shade or amount of water that can make Aunt Alba’s symptoms go away or make her hard days better (Thank you Kaylyn) so I will press on because there is no other option.  I had a tough day so what will I do different tomorrow?

I arranged to have my breakfast ready at 0530 so I can leave right at 0545 and get an early start.  I’ll avoid coffee and drink more water earlier.  I’ll take longer breaks. I’ve been drinking water all evening and eating a good meal.  Going to bed at 1000 to get more sleep and taking a zzzquil to make sure that happens.

Telly’s button says it all.   Tomorrow will be different.  Ciao!  ❤️